;    @file       factorial.scm
;    @brief      Scheme language primer
;    @date       April 2012
;    @copyright  © 2012 <okertanov@gmail.com>

; Language
#lang scheme

; Declarative factorial function in Scheme

; Syntactic sugar

(define-syntax-rule (the a b)
  (begin (define a b) a))

(define-syntax-rule (is e) e)

(define-syntax-rule (to e) e)

(define less/than? (λ (a b)
  (< a b)))

; Formal description


    The factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!,
    is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.
    The value of 0! is 1.

; Definition

(the factorial/of
  (λ (a)
    (let ((n a))
        ((and (not (negative? n)) (integer? n))
          "denoted by n!"
            (the of/all
                ((i ((λ (s)
                  (stop-before (in-naturals)
                    (λ (i)(not (or (less/than? i s) (equal? i s))))
                )(to n))))
                  ((and (positive? i) (integer? i)) i)
                  ((zero? i) "the value of 0! is 1" 1)
                  (else -inf.0)

; Application
(factorial/of 5)

; Result
